
Cleaning or Organizing: What Comes First?

person removing food on the refrigerator

Photo by Ron Lach on

As a busy mom with everything we need to do daily, it can be hard to figure out where to start when you see a mess in your home. Should I start cleaning, organizing, donating, or just putting everything in the trash can surface? So, let’s discuss what comes first: cleaning or organizing, and what is the best strategy to upkeep the home so that you can minimize the overwhelmed feeling.

Check out the following decluttering, cleaning, and organizing tools on Amazon for your convenience:

  1. Declutter your space.
  2. Organize your space.
  3. Clean your space.

When tackling an overwhelming space, it is generally recommended to prioritize organizing before deep cleaning. 

S. Penariu

Here’s why:

Clearing Clutter: Organizing involves decluttering and sorting items to create a more streamlined and functional space. Addressing clutter first eliminates unnecessary items and creates a solid foundation for the organization process.

Efficiency: Cleaning a cluttered space can be challenging and time-consuming. When surfaces and areas are clutter-free, it becomes easier to clean them thoroughly. Plus, an organized space allows for more efficient cleaning routines in the long run.

Focus and Decision-Making: Cleaning can be repetitive and straightforward, whereas organizing requires more decision-making and problem-solving. By focusing on managing first, you can make clear decisions about what to keep, discard, or donate, which helps streamline the cleaning process later.

Motivation and Progress: Seeing visible progress during organizing can motivate and encourage further efforts. As you declutter and organize, you will start to see a noticeable difference in the appearance and functionality of the space, which can boost motivation to continue and maintain the organization.

That being said, it’s essential to balance organizing and cleaning. While organizing comes first for the reasons mentioned, keeping the space reasonably clean as you go is also necessary. Wiping surfaces, sweeping, or vacuuming as you declutter and organize can help maintain a clean environment.

Here are some additional details on why organizing before cleaning is often recommended:

Maximizing Efficiency: When a space is cluttered, cleaning can become more time-consuming and challenging. Clutter can obstruct surfaces, making it difficult to clean them thoroughly. By organizing and decluttering first, you create a clear and accessible space for cleaning, allowing you to be more efficient in your cleaning efforts.

Clearing Surface Areas: Clutter accumulates on surfaces such as countertops, tables, or floors. These surfaces need to be removed before you can effectively clean them. By organizing and decluttering, you create open spaces that are easier to wipe down, dust, or sanitize.

Reducing Distractions: Cleaning a cluttered space can be mentally overwhelming. When there are piles of items or disorganized belongings, it’s easy to get distracted or overwhelmed by the cleaning process. By organizing first, you create a visually calmer environment, allowing you to focus more on the cleaning tasks.

Prioritizing Decision-Making: Organizing involves deciding what to keep, donate, or discard. This decision-making process is often more accessible and effective when the space is relatively clean. When surfaces and areas are free of dirt and grime, it’s easier to assess items and make informed decisions about their placement or removal.

Preventing Recontamination: If you clean a cluttered space without organizing it, there’s a higher chance that the clutter will return and undo your cleaning efforts. By organizing first, you establish systems and designated places for items, making maintaining cleanliness in the long run easier.

Psychological Impact: A cluttered and disorganized space can hurt your mental well-being. It can feel chaotic, overwhelming, and stressful. By organizing and creating order, you can create a more tranquil and inviting environment that promotes a sense of calm and peace of mind.

It’s important to note that organizing and cleaning go hand in hand. Once you have scheduled a space, it’s essential to establish regular cleaning routines to maintain cleanliness and order. Regular tidying, dusting, vacuuming, and other cleaning tasks are necessary to sustain an organized environment.

Ultimately, the goal is to integrate organizing and cleaning as ongoing practices. Once you have established an organized system, regular cleaning routines help maintain the cleanliness and order of your space.

By prioritizing organizing before cleaning, you set the stage for a more efficient and effective cleaning process. It allows you to create a clutter-free, functional space that is easier to maintain and keep clean in the long run.

Practical strategies for decluttering and organizing a space include:

  1. Sort and Categorize: Start by sorting items into categories. Create piles or designated areas for things you want to keep, donate/sell, or discard. This helps you make deliberate decisions about each item and prevents unnecessary items from occupying space.
  2. The KonMari Method: Popularized by Marie Kondo, the KonMari method involves decluttering by category, not by location. Start with clothing, then move on to books, papers, miscellaneous items, and sentimental items. Within each category, hold each item and ask yourself if it sparks joy. If it does, keep it; if not, let it go.
  3. One-In, One-Out Rule: You must let go of one existing thing for every new item you bring into your space. This helps prevent future clutter from accumulating and encourages mindful consumption.
  4. Create Zones: Divide your space into functional zones based on activities or purposes. For example, create a workspace, relaxation area, storage zone, etc. Assign specific items and belongings to each site to make a clear and organized layout.
  5. Use Storage Solutions: Invest in appropriate storage solutions to help keep items organized and accessible. This can include bins, baskets, shelves, drawer dividers, or storage furniture. Choose answers that fit the size and style of your space and help maximize storage capacity.
  6. Transparent Surfaces: Keep surfaces clear of unnecessary items. Characters tend to attract clutter, so regularly clear them off and find designated homes for things that accumulate there.
  7. Labeling: Use labels to identify the contents of storage containers, shelves, or drawers. Clear labeling makes it easier to find and return items to their designated places, helping to maintain organization.
  8. Regular Maintenance: Establish daily habits and routines to maintain organization. Encourage family members to clean up and return items to their designated places. Schedule regular decluttering sessions to prevent the accumulation of unnecessary items.
  9. Take Small Steps: Decluttering and organizing can be overwhelming, so start with small, manageable tasks. Focus on one area or category at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Celebrate small victories along the way to stay motivated.
  10. Seek Support: If you find it challenging to declutter and organize independently, seek support from family members, friends, or professional organizers. They can provide guidance, accountability, and fresh perspectives to help you through the process.

Remember, decluttering and organizing are ongoing processes. Regular maintenance and periodic reassessment of your belongings are necessary to sustain an organized space. You can create a more organized and functional environment by implementing these strategies and developing healthy habits.

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