
How Do You Make a Family Calendar Work for Your Family?

working ethnic mother using tablet and laptop at home with playing kids on background

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

A family calendar is a tool that helps families stay organized and on top of their schedules. It can include important dates, appointments, activities, and events for all family members. It’s a great tool when you have to balance a lot in a family, and it’s a helpful way of keeping all the events, activities, and appointments in one central spot to avoid miscommunication or double booking.

There are many types of family calendars, including paper calendars that can be hung on a wall (my mom had and still has this in her kitchen) or placed on a desk, digital calendars that can be accessed through smartphones (this is my go-to) or other devices, and even shared online calendars that can be accessed by multiple people at once. Some families prefer to combine these calendars to ensure everyone can access the necessary information. Check out these articles to see some options on free calendars and calendar examples.

When creating a family calendar, it is important to consider everyone’s schedules and preferences. For example, if some family members prefer a paper calendar while others prefer a digital one, you may need to find a way to combine both formats. You can also color-code the calendar to make it easier to see who has what activities or appointments on any given day.

In addition to being a tool for scheduling activities and events, a family calendar can also be a way to stay connected and communicate with each other. For example, you might use the calendar to leave notes or reminders for other family members or to plan family outings or vacations together.

Check out these great calendar options for the family on Amazon:

  1. Wall Calendar
  2. Planner
  3. Command center
  4. Chore chart
  5. Schedule
  6. Family Calendar

Making a family calendar work for your family can require a few adjustments to what you are already doing. Here is a list of ideas on how you can adjust your systems to make a calendar work for everyone:

  1. Choose a calendar format: Decide on one that works for your family. This could be a paper calendar, a digital calendar, or a combination of both.
  2. Include everyone’s schedules: Make sure to include everyone’s agenda on the calendar, including work schedules, school schedules, extracurricular activities, appointments, and other commitments. This will help ensure that everyone knows what is happening and can plan accordingly.
  3. Use color coding: Consider using distinct colors to stand for different family members or types of activities. This can make it easier to quickly find who is doing what and when.
  4. Make it visible: Place the calendar in a visible location, such as the kitchen or a shared area, so everyone can easily see it and refer to it throughout the day.
  5. Schedule regular check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with your family to review the calendar and ensure everyone is on the same page. This can be a suitable time to discuss any changes or updates to the schedule.
  6. Keep it up to date: Make sure to update the calendar regularly with new events or changes to existing ones. This will help ensure that everyone has the most up-to-date information.
  7. Set reminders: Use reminders to help everyone remember noteworthy events or deadlines. This could be through alerts on your phone or computer or by setting up automatic email reminders.
  8. Plan: Encourage your family members to plan and add events to the calendar as soon as they know about them. This can help avoid conflicts and give everyone plenty of notice to prepare.
  9. Share responsibility: If your children are old enough, involve them in keeping the family calendar. This can teach them responsibility and organization skills and ensure everyone is invested in keeping the calendar current.
  10. Consider using a shared digital calendar: If your family members have smartphones or other devices, consider using a shared digital calendar that everyone can access and edit. This can make it easier to update and view the calendar on the go. Check out this article on free family calendar options.
  11. Be realistic: What you can and cannot fit into your family’s schedule. Refrain from overcommitting yourselves or trying to schedule too many activities or events in a single day. Remember to leave some downtime for rest and prioritize the most essential activities for your family.

Another way to help your family see the value of a family calendar is to ensure that everyone in your family has access to the family calendar. Here are some options for getting everyone connected and looking at a family calendar.

  1. Use a shared digital calendar: Consider using a shared one everyone can access and edit. This could be a calendar app on your smartphone, a shared Google calendar, or a similar online platform.
  2. Hang a paper calendar in a visible location: If your family prefers a paper calendar, hang it in a convenient place where everyone can see it. This could be in the kitchen, living room, or communal area.
  3. Send regular updates: If you use a digital calendar, send regular updates to everyone in the family. This could be in the form of email reminders or notifications through the calendar app.
  4. Print out the calendar: If you use a digital calendar, consider printing a copy each month or week and posting it in a visible location.
  5. Use reminders: Set up reminders or notifications on your family members’ phones or devices to remind them of significant events or appointments.
  6. Hold family meetings: Schedule regular meetings to review the calendar and discuss upcoming events or activities. This can be an excellent opportunity to ensure everyone is on the same page and has access to the information they need.

All busy moms need a solid family calendar system to help reduce stress and diminish avoidable surprises or double bookings. There is no perfect way to track your family’s schedule; still, you can make a family calendar work for your family if you ensure everyone has access to it and that it works well for everyone so the family can stay organized and on top of their schedules.

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