How Does a Family Stay Organized-5 Essentials You Need to Know

What does a family need to stay organized? What are the essentials that you should consider as a busy mom? When it comes to organization, we can get lost or need help knowing where to start. But my goal is to break this down for you and help you see some essentials you should consider when starting the organization journey. Communication, planning, creating systems, delegation, and flexibility are essential elements that help a family stay organized with their busy schedules.

Also, check out these great tools on Amazon to help keep your family more organized.

  1. Command center
  2. Planner
  3. Schedules
  4. Communication board
  5. Meal prep ideas
  6. Chore chart
  7. Budgeting tools

Let us dive a little deeper into each of these five key elements:

Communication: Of course, communication is the beginning of every tool (organization, budgeting, cleaning, scheduling, etc.) you work for as a family. As I am sure you know, effective communication is essential for any family to stay organized. Open and effective communication is vital to keeping everyone in the family informed and on the same page. Communication can include regular family meetings, digital calendars, and group messaging apps that can help everyone stay on the same page and ensure that essential information is shared and understood and that everyone can see important dates and events.

a family sitting on a couch

Planning: A family that plans together stays organized. This means creating a schedule for meal planning, chores, scheduling homework time, extracurricular activities, and setting aside time for exercise and other events. Planning for holidays, vacations, and other special occasions is also essential. Creating and sticking to a schedule can help families stay organized and reduce stress. A clear plan can help everyone feel more in control and reduce the likelihood of conflicts or forgotten tasks. Figuring out which planning tool works best for your family is essential to ensure your planning goes smoothly. Check out this articles that include some great resources for organizing your schedule.

white earphones near papers

Creating Systems: Setting up systems and routines can make daily tasks more manageable and efficient. For example, creating a plan for meal planning and grocery shopping can help reduce food waste and save time and money. Setting up a designated homework space with all the necessary supplies can help children stay focused and productive. And having a system for handling household chores, such as a chore chart or rotating schedule, can ensure that everyone is doing their fair share of the work. Creating an organizing system will help make everything go more smoothly in the home and help your family stay on track with food, cleaning, and regulating household responsibilities. Look to implement systems in the areas that are not working, such as food shopping, laundry, or cleaning. If something gets lost in the shuffle, the best mom hack is figuring out a system for that area that everyone in the home can get behind.

photo of people near wooden table

Delegation: No one person can do everything, so delegating tasks is critical to staying organized. Assigning age-appropriate duties and responsibilities to children can help them develop essential life skills and reduce the workload for parents. This might include setting the table, doing laundry, or helping with meal prep. By delegating tasks, parents can also free up time and energy to focus on other essential priorities. For a busy mom, delegation is one of the critical elements to getting more things done efficiently. I would highly recommend that you look into options to delegate some of your duties; for example, have your mom watch your little ones as you catch up on the cleaning or take some of your clothes to dry cleaning to limit the laundry pile, or enlist your husband help with things around the home that need to get done.

a couple stretching their legs while looking at their cute daughter

Flexibility: Unexpected events can still arise despite the best planning and organization. No matter how well-planned and organized a family is, things come up, and it’s essential to stay flexible. This might include a sudden illness, a change in work schedule, or a family emergency. Families can better handle these situations and adjust their plans by being flexible and adaptable. This might mean rescheduling a family dinner or shifting responsibilities to accommodate a schedule change. Being flexible can help reduce stress and keep everyone focused on what’s truly important – spending time together as a family. In other words, do not be so hard on yourself. Organizing is a work in progress; it takes time, flexibility, and effort. Understanding that life is not perfect but creating a framework you can always return to is essential to help you tackle life’s difficulties.

Understanding that life is not perfect but creating a framework you can always return to is essential to help you tackle life’s difficulties.

S. Penariu

By incorporating these five elements into their daily lives, families can stay organized, reduce stress, and enjoy more time together. But remember that all these things are just a framework for balancing your family life more. We are all a work in progress, and life is not perfect. Just use these tools, give yourself some grace, and build your family organization more each day. You can do it, momma!


A busy mom working full-time as an accountant with one baby girl and a wife to my fantastic husband and blogging on family, finance, and everyday hacks for busy moms.

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