The 5 Best Ways to Stay Organized as a Family

Getting organized is a process that takes effort, and even if there are many examples of 1 to 10 steps to get organized, systemizing still takes work. Also, it takes time; as a busy momma, time is a rare commodity. Even though it takes time, organizing your family life is super important and will help manage the load of motherhood more effectively. As a busy momma, it’s essential to understand that staying organized is your secret weapon for getting more things done quickly and efficiently.

Organizing your family life is not easy, but knowing the five best ways to get your family organized can help to make the process easier. Getting routines set in place, decluttering your home, meal planning, having family meetings, and developing financial and family goals are all essential in getting your family more productive and helping everyone stay more organized and on track.

Understanding the value of organizing can also make the implementation process more accessible and achievable. In other words, get excited about the step needed to have a more organized and put-together family. Start to see a world where you are not a stressed-out mess or a mom always on edge with her emotions because there is no order or flow in your home.

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1. Start by setting routines in place.

First, start with creating routines for your daily and weekly tasks. For example, cleaning schedules and bedtime and dinner time are all items that occur on your daily schedule. In other words, all the essentials of the daily and weekly tasks need to become routine. For example, if your kids usually wake up anywhere between 7-8, they need to eat by 9, then create a routine in your schedule and set that as the daily morning activity. Getting the kids out of bed, dressing them for the day, brushing their teeth, and having breakfast is a morning routine.

Another example would be cleaning. The house needs to get cleaned daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on what is on the list, so make routines for that. For example, each Wednesday, I wash all my bathrooms, or on Monday, I do all my laundry and then get your family on board with that routine so that you can have help, and the task gets done more quickly.

2. Decluttering your home

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Decluttering is essential for helping the family save time and get to things more quickly. When there is too much clutter, there is no understanding of what needs to be where; therefore, there is no order and ROOM for what truly matters. For example, digging through a pile of toys in the overflowing toy box does not make playtime any more fun or exciting for the kids. Getting rid of the toys that are not being used and only leaving what is in constant use makes it easier for the kids to get to their favorite toys and clean up everything afterward. Decluttering not only helps keep the house less chaotic but also helps keep it more clean as well.

3. Meal planning

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Another essential family organization hack is meal planning. Meal planning saves time and money, and I worry about what I should feed the family today. Sitting down for 30 minutes to plan a weekly meal menu helps save tons of time daily because you already know what the family will eat daily. My husband and I do not just design a meal plan, but we do a full meal prep day on Saturday or Sunday to have all the stables for the week prepared and ready to eat. It has been such a lifesaver for me since I don’t have to cook a meal each night of the week because most of our cooking is completed on the weekend, and then we add small things here or there to enhance the meal. As a mom who works full time, is working on a side business, and has all the daily tasks of running a household having the daily meal struggle taken care of in an orderly manner is a revolutionary thing for my mental and emotional state.

4. Having a family meeting

a family sitting on a couch

Having family meetings is all about communication. If a family has a come together to discuss what needs to get done each day or each week, there is a direction or plan for what should be valued. Since our daughter is only 19 months old, our family “meetings” only include me and my husband discussing what we would like to do or what we are putting down on our schedule for the week. However, as she grows and has more of her own opinion, I want to include her in the essentials that affect her and our lives. Side note- family meetings do not have to be so official or scheduled most of the time, “family meetings” can happen in the morning over breakfast or at night before bed, where we discuss what we would like to get done for the week. However, having a connection on what needs to do is essential to running a family ship smoothly.

5. Setting financial and family goals

the word goals from wooden letters

Like in every personal, business, and work progress, plans should be set for better flow and focus. Family goals are the same. Consider the family essentials or values you want to include in your family life – for example, get healthier, have more family fun, and reach a saving goal. All goals in a family are just as important as goals in a business or a work environment. I agree that objectives for a family are even more important than the ones you have in your work or business because your family is your backbone. Understanding what you love to do as a family and what you value most and setting goals to achieve these things is essential to make a more robust, healthier, and happier family unit.

Getting organized as a family will not happen in a single day.

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In conclusion, getting organized as a family will not happen in a single day. It takes time and energy, and planning from the mom to get everyone on track. It’s not an easy task, but it’s a worthwhile task. Taking each of the five steps listed above and building it into your family life will help make you a more organized and happier family. Like anything, it takes practice and getting out and doing the thing. So the best way to get started is to take the first step and then take one action at a time until you reach your ultimate vision of your family organization.


A busy mom working full-time as an accountant with one baby girl and a wife to my fantastic husband and blogging on family, finance, and everyday hacks for busy moms.

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