
Tips for Decluttering Your Home Quickly

concentrated woman carrying stack of cardboard boxes for relocation

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

When starting to declutter, it takes time and energy to address all the areas of your home that need decluttering. For example, cleaning and decluttering my downstairs closet/pantry took me a whole Saturday a few weeks back. Though it was rewarding, starting the project felt overwhelming since I knew it would take me most of the day. So, is there a faster way of doing this, and if so, what options can you use to declutter your home fast? Let us dig into what I found out, and hopefully, this will also help you as a busy momma.

Here are some great tools that I recommend from Amazon that will also help you declutter your home quickly:

If you want to declutter and you want to do it quickly, follow the following tips for decluttering your home:

  1. Start with the most accessible items: Begin with things that are easiest to declutter, such as clothes that no longer fit or are out of style, duplicates, expired items, and items that are broken or no longer serve a purpose.
  2. Use the four-box method: This method involves labeling four boxes or bags as “keep,” “donate/sell,” “trash/recycling,” and “undecided.” As you go through each room, place items in the appropriate box.
  3. Set a time limit: Set a timer for a specific amount of time, such as 30 minutes or an hour, and declutter as much as possible. This can help you stay focused and motivated.
  4. Removing duplicates: Go through your home and remove any duplicate items, such as kitchen utensils, towels, or bedding.
  5. Don’t hold on to things you don’t need: When decluttering, it’s essential to be practical and eliminate items that no longer serve a purpose or bring you joy. If you have not used or worn something in the past year, likely, you don’t need it.
  6. Focus on one area at a time: Trying to declutter your entire home at once can be overwhelming. Instead, focus on one room at a time, such as a closet, a drawer, or a bookshelf.
  7. Sentimental clutter: Sentimental items can be some of the hardest to declutter, but it’s essential to be honest with yourself about what you need to keep. Consider taking a photo of sentimental items before removing them, so you can still have the memory without the physical thing.

Decluttering is a process; taking breaks and working at your own pace is okay. Following these tips, you can progress towards a clutter-free home more quickly and efficiently. One of the main ways you can get bogged down and make the declutter processing longer is by not avoiding some common mistakes when decluttering your home. You want to do it quickly and efficiently, but the decluttering process will take much longer if you keep falling into the following mistake patterns.

Here are some common mistakes people make when decluttering:

  1. Thinking they must do it all at once: Decluttering can be overwhelming, and many people believe they must do it all at once. This can lead to burnout and make it harder to stay motivated. Instead, divide the process into smaller tasks and work on one area at a time.
  2. Keeping things out of guilt or obligation: It is common for people to keep items out of guilt or responsibility, even if they no longer serve a purpose or bring them joy. This can make it harder to declutter and lead to a cluttered home. Remember that it’s okay to let go of things that no longer serve a purpose in your life or bring your home joy.
  3. Not having a plan for what to do with the items they are getting rid of: It’s essential to have a plan for what to do with the things you’re getting rid of, whether donating them, selling them, or disposing of them. Without a direction, it is easy for items to pile up and create clutter in your home again.
  4. Holding onto items that they might need someday: It’s easy to hold onto items that you think you might need someday, but this can lead to clutter and make it harder to find the things you need. Be honest about whether you will use an item in the future and get rid of it if you are not. For example, if you have not used something for over a year or two, you will never use it. I had a few items that were gifted to me from my wedding that we never used and were still in the box, and I knew we would mostly never use them anyway, so if it is brand new and has never been opened, regift, donate or sell it.
  5. Not involving the whole family: If you live with others, involving them in decluttering is essential. This can help prevent conflicts and ensure everyone is on the same page about what items are being kept and what are being donated or disposed of.

If you avoid the common mistakes listed above and follow the seven steps to declutter your home quickly, you will have your home cleaned and declutter in no time. Also, avoiding these common mistakes can make decluttering more effective and enjoyable. If you are still hesitant or need help figuring out where to start decluttering, you can check out the resources and tools available to help declutter your home.

Here are a few examples:

These resources and tools make decluttering more manageable, practical, and fun. So don’t forget that to declutter quickly, all you need to do is follow the seven tips of starting with accessible items first, using the four-box method, setting a time limit, not holding on to things you don’t need, focusing on one area at a time and getting rid of sentimental clutter. As you start the process and address each area gradually, the process will get more manageable, and you will get faster as you go along. Good Luck, momma!

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