
How to Repair the Water Pressure in a Kitchen Sink

domestic kitchen
Photo by Ron Lach on

What’s the cause:

Usually, debris in the water pipe or the faucet head creates a clog that will lower the water pressure.

What’s the fix:

You can fix this by clearing out the debris in the clogged pipe with the water pressure from the other tube.

What supplies did I use to fix it:

Photo by on

Steps to fix:

  1. clean the faucet head
  2. If cleaning the faucet head clears it up no need to go further
  3. If you still have low water pressure, then you will need to redirect the water into the clogged pipe to clear out the debris
  4. To do this, you will need to turn off the water valve to the water pipe that’s clogged and run the water through the disconnected pipe to push out the debris
  5. This process is repeated until the water running through the clogged pipe is clear.
  6. When I cleaned my kitchen sink, I repeated the process about four times before all the debris got pushed out.
Photo by cottonbro studio on


I made this step-by-step guide because we ran into water pressure issues for our kitchen sink and had to call the plumber to get it looked at; however, when we reached the plumber, they quoted us about $300 to look at and “potentially” fix the issue. That was not a good idea since we didn’t have the extra cash to spend at that time. So I tried to see if I could fix it. There were only a few videos, and they were not super clear. So as I worked on the steps I mentioned above, I recorded it in hopes that someone else would benefit from this and save themselves some extra cash. Please check out my video below, showing a detailed step-by-step guide. (Please excuse the kitchen sink. I had barely any hot water, so that I couldn’t wash the dishes) after figuring out how to fix the issue, it was great to use the hot water again and clean my dirty sink! So momma, if you find yourself with this problem, please don’t call in a plumber until you have tried this hack. I hope it works for you and you can save some cash!

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