
Some Family Organization Options with Examples

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As a busy mom, I always seek a way to get more organized. Whether that organization is the family schedule, my schedule, or just getting the house looking more organized, it takes some dedication to find things that work that you can use and become your standard. We all think differently, and what might work for me when it comes to organization will only sometimes work for someone else. So, I have compiled a list of options for organizing the family. Try each one and see what makes the most sense in your family.

I will address schedules, organization apps, chore, and task lists, home management binders, whiteboards & chalkboards, laundry duties, menu planning, family routines, budget, and money management. Finally, remember to make memories with your family while balancing all the other organization options in your family life. As mentioned above, many different family organization options and examples are available to help families stay on top of their busy schedules and manage their household tasks. Let’s start with discussing family schedules since this is the key to getting your family more organized.

How to Organize Family Schedules

Organizing family schedules can be challenging, especially when everyone has different activities and commitments. Here are some tips for managing family schedules that other organization experts highly recommend. The ones that work the best for my busy momma life are reminders and reviewing my plan regularly. Waking up in the morning and ensuring that I have checked my schedule for the day and have a reminder set for 1 hour or 15 min helps me stay on track for all the meetings and appointments and any for my family.

Let’s dive into tips and tricks for helping organize the family schedule:

  1. A household schedule can help you and your family stay organized and manage your time more effectively. Here are some tips for creating a household schedule:
    • Start with a list of tasks: Make a list of all the tasks that need to be done regularly in your household, such as cleaning, grocery shopping, and laundry.
    • Assign tasks to specific days: Assign specific tasks to each day of the week or a particular time; for example, schedule laundry for Monday and Wednesday, grocery shopping for Saturday, and cleaning the bathrooms for Sunday afternoon.
    • Consider your family’s schedule: Consider your family’s schedule, including work schedules, school schedules, and extracurricular activities. Make sure to schedule tasks around these activities to avoid conflicts.
    • Involve the whole family: Involve the entire family in creating the household schedule. This can help ensure everyone is on board with the plan and committed to following it. Use a calendar or planner:
    • Use a calendar or planner to keep track of the household schedule. This can help you stay organized and ensure everyone knows the plan and their responsibilities.
    • Please review and update regularly: Regularly check and update the household schedule as needed. This can help ensure that the program remains relevant and practical.
  2. Use a shared calendar: A shared calendar, such as Google Calendar or a family organizing app like Cozi, can be a terrific way to keep track of everyone’s schedules in one place. Please ensure everyone in the family can access the calendar and encourage them to add their events and commitments. Suppose they need to be better about adding their events. In that case, you can also create a calendar for each family member to add anything they might be verbally telling you, or if you get calendars from teachers, you can also add these to their calendars.
  3. Color-code events and activities: Using different colors for different family members or types of events can make it easier to see who has what is scheduled quickly. For example, you could use red for Dad’s events and blue for Mom’s.
  4. Set reminders: Reminders can be a helpful way to make sure everyone is on time for their events and activities. Encourage family members to set reminders for their events and consider setting reminders for family events that everyone needs to attend. Consider what kind of reminder you need, whether a week in advance, an hour in advance, or a day in advance. Depending on the event, you might need to play a few reminders to help you prepare for what is coming.
  5. Prioritize major events: When scheduling events and activities, prioritize the most important ones, such as doctor’s appointments or school events. Ensure everyone in the family knows about these notable events and can plan around them.
  6. Review the schedule regularly: Make sure to review the plan regularly, such as at the beginning of each week, to make sure everyone is on the same page, and there are no conflicts or overlaps.
  7. Be flexible: Remember that schedules can change; it is essential to be flexible and open to adjusting the program as needed. Encourage family members to communicate about any changes to their plans as soon as possible. This is key! When running a family ship, things can change on a dime, and it can be frustrating, but being comfortable with adjusting things and getting back on track is crucial for long-term peace and success.

A household schedule can help your family stay organized and manage your time more effectively. By involving the whole family, using a calendar or planner, and reviewing and updating regularly, you can create a schedule that works for everyone and helps you stay on top of household tasks. Also, using a shared calendar, color-coding events, setting reminders, prioritizing major events, reviewing the schedule regularly, and being flexible, can help organize your family’s plans and stay on top of everyone’s commitments.

Another excellent hack for organizing family schedules is apps on your phone. Since we are always on the phone, this is another superb tool for keeping the family on track.

Family Organizing Apps: 

Family organizing apps, such as Cozi, OurHome, and TimeTree, are designed to help families keep track of their schedules, to-do lists, and grocery lists. These apps typically offer shared calendars, reminders, and messaging features and can be accessed on mobile devices and the web. Some apps also include features such as grocery list tracking and meal planning. Family organizing apps can be an excellent option for families who want a digital system that is easy to use and accessible from anywhere. Please check out my article on a few Free organization app options here.

Chore Organization

Chore lists are essential and can get super long and overwhelming. So having a system for these chores is another excellent family organization option. Organizing household chores can help ensure that everyone in the family knows what needs to be done and when. Here are some tips for chore organization:

  1. Create a chore chart outlining each family member’s assigned tasks and when to complete them. You can use a physical chart or a digital tool like Trello or Asana to create the chart.
  2. Assign tasks based on age and ability: Consider each family member’s age and ability when assigning tasks. Younger children may handle more straightforward tasks, such as making their bed, while older children and adults can take on more complex tasks, such as laundry or kitchen cleaning. Though I only have one girl. I grew up in a family of 10, and my mom was a master at giving us all an assignment on family tasks based on age and ability. This is an excellent tool for teaching kids responsibility for caring for the home.
  3. Be consistent: Try to assign the same tasks to each family member each week, so everyone knows what to expect and can plan around their assigned tasks.
  4. Set deadlines: for each task and encourage family members to complete their assigned tasks by the deadline. This can help ensure the chores are met promptly and prevent conflicts over who handles completing a particular task.
  5. Rotate tasks: Consider rotating functions among family members regularly to prevent boredom and encourage everyone to learn new skills.
  6. Use positive reinforcement: Use positive reinforcement, such as praise or rewards, to encourage family members to complete their assigned tasks. This can help keep everyone motivated and on track with their chores.

By creating a chore chart, assigning tasks based on age and ability, being consistent, setting deadlines, rotating jobs, and using positive reinforcement, you can help organize household chores and ensure that everyone in the family contributes to the household. In addition, chore charts and task lists are a great way to help kids and adults stay on top of their household tasks. By creating a chart or list that includes daily or weekly tasks, such as doing the dishes or taking out the trash, assigning them to different family members, you distribute your mom’s responsibilities, and it helps you be a more collected human. Just remember that when you make the lists, they work well for each family member so that the world does get completed. If not, it’s always good to review and update as needed.

Home Management Binders:

Home management binders, often called “command centers,” are a physical system for organizing household information and tasks. You can create a binder that includes sections for meal planning, schedules, to-do lists, and more, and keep it in a central location in your home. Home management binders are customized based on your family’s needs and can be updated as needed. I have started using a binder system to organize some of my business and budget items, and I love it. It’s an excellent tool for getting everything in one place and only takes up a little space but is easy to access and upkeep regularly.

Whiteboards and Chalkboards:

Whiteboards and chalkboards can be a simple and effective way to keep track of schedules and to-do lists. You can hang a whiteboard or chalkboard in a central location in your home, such as the kitchen, and use it to write down schedules, reminders, and tasks. Whiteboards and chalkboards can be customized based on your family’s needs and updated as needed. These are also a type of command center, and most organization experts recommend this approach since it’s visible and easily accessible by all family members, unlike a phone app or a binder on a shelf.

How to Organize Family Laundry 

Laundry can be a never-ending task in a household with multiple people. Here are some tips for organizing family laundry.

  1. Sort laundry: Start by sorting laundry into different piles based on color and fabric type. This can help prevent color bleeding and ensure that delicate fabrics are washed separately.
  2. Label laundry baskets: Label laundry baskets or hampers for each family member and encourage everyone to put their dirty clothes in their designated basket. This can help prevent mixing up clothes and make tracking who has what laundry easier.
  3. Create a laundry schedule: Create a plan that outlines when each family member’s laundry will be done. This can help prevent conflicts over who needs to do laundry and ensure everyone has clean clothes when needed.
  4. Use a laundry sorter: Use a laundry sorter with multiple compartments to help sort laundry as it comes in. This can help save time and make the laundry process more efficient.
  5. Assign laundry duties: Assign laundry duties to different family members based on their age and ability. For example, younger children may be responsible for sorting laundry, while older children and adults can be responsible for washing and folding.
  6. Have a designated laundry day: Designate a specific day of the week for doing laundry, and encourage everyone to stick to the schedule. This can help prevent laundry from piling up and make it easier to manage.
  7. Use storage solutions: Storage solutions such as shelves, baskets, and hangers help organize clean laundry and keep it from becoming cluttered.

Some of the hacks I use daily in my own life are sorting the laundry into piles based on color, using different laundry baskets for various members of the family, and creating a laundry day schedule. By sorting laundry, labeling laundry baskets, creating a laundry schedule, using a laundry sorter, assigning laundry duties, having a designated laundry day, and using storage solutions, you can help organize family laundry and make the process more manageable. Who loves doing laundry? Not me! But getting it more put together and having a flow is an immense help in managing family life.

Menu planning is deciding ahead of time what meals you will prepare and eat over a certain period, such as a week or a month. Here are some basic steps to help you get started with menu planning:

  1. Assess your needs: Start by assessing your family’s dietary needs and preferences. Consider any food allergies, sensitivities, and individual likes and dislikes. Consider factors such as your budget and the time you have available to prepare meals.
  2. Make a list of meals: Make a list of meals that you and your family enjoy eating. This can include family favorites and new recipes you want to try. Consider using a meal planning service to help generate meal ideas based on your dietary needs and preferences.
  3. Plan for variety: Try to plan for a variety of meals throughout the week, incorporating different types of proteins, vegetables, and grains. This can help ensure your family gets a balanced and nutritious diet.
  4. Consider leftovers: When planning your meals, consider making extra food that can be used for leftovers. This can save time and reduce waste, as you can use the leftovers for lunches or as part of another meal.
  5. Make a grocery list: Once you’ve decided on your meals, list the ingredients you’ll need to purchase. This can help prevent overbuying or forgetting key components.
  6. Stick to your plan: Stick to your meal plan as closely as possible. This can help reduce stress and save time in the long run, as you’ll have a clear plan for what to prepare each day.

By assessing your needs, making a list of meals, planning for variety, considering leftovers, making a grocery list, and sticking to your plan, you can successfully prepare nutritious and delicious meals for your family. If you need help with meal planning, check out some options for meal planning services, such as eMeals and PlateJoy, which can be an excellent options for families who want to simplify their meal planning and grocery shopping. These services supply customized meal plans based on your dietary preferences and needs and can include recipes and a shopping list. Some meal planning services offer grocery delivery or pickup options, saving time and making meal planning even more convenient.

Family Routines

Another vital family organization hack is family routines. Family routines help supply structure and consistency to your family’s daily life. My husband and I use family routines daily. After our little one came into this world, I felt like I was just unable to get a grip on everything I needed to get done in the day, and that is why my husband suggested routines, and I have been addicted to them since then. Routines are a lifesaver and help keep me on track and focused on what I need to do and when.

Here are some examples of family routines:

  1. Morning routine: A morning routine can help set the tone for the day and ensure everyone is ready to start their day on time. A morning routine might include making beds, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and packing lunch.
  2. After-school routine: An after-school practice can help kids transition from school to home and provide time for homework, snacks, and relaxation. An after-school way might include unpacking backpacks, doing homework, having a snack, and engaging in fun activities.
  3. Mealtime routine: A mealtime routine can help bring the family together and supply time for conversation and connection. A mealtime routine might include setting the table, cooking and serving the meal, and cleaning up afterward.
  4. Bedtime routine: A bedtime routine can help kids wind down and prepare for a good night’s sleep. A bedtime routine might include bathing or showering, brushing teeth, reading a book, and getting into bed.
  5. Weekend routine: A weekend routine can provide structure and balance and ensure everyone has time for relaxation and fun activities. A weekend routine might include doing chores, running errands, engaging in family activities, and having free time.

By establishing family routines, you can create a sense of predictability and security for your family and make daily life more manageable. When creating family routines, it is essential to be flexible and adapt to changes in your family’s needs and schedules.

Budget and Money Management

Budgeting and managing money is an essential aspect of family life. Here are some tips to help you manage your budget and money effectively:

  1. Create a budget: Create a budget outlining your income, expenses, and savings goals. Be realistic about your income and expenses, and consider all your fixed and variable costs. I have written a few articles on family money management and budgeting you can check them out here.
  2. Track your spending: Keep track of your spending by reviewing your bank and credit card statements regularly. This can help you find areas where you may need to evaluate your spending and adjust your budget accordingly.
  3. Prioritize your expenses: Prioritize your costs based on your needs and goals. Essential expenses such as housing, food, and utilities should come first, followed by savings and discretionary spending.
  4. Use cash for discretionary spending: Consider using money for discretionary spending, such as entertainment and dining out. This can help you stay within your budget and save money on credit.
  5. Set financial goals: Set financial goals for your family, such as saving for a down payment on a house or paying off credit card debt. Plan to achieve these goals by setting specific targets and creating a timeline.
  6. Review your budget regularly: Regularly review your budget to ensure that you stay on track with your goals. Adjust your budget as needed to reflect changes in your income or expenses.
  7. Seek help if needed: If you are struggling to manage your finances, seek help from a financial advisor or credit counselor. They can guide and assist in managing your money and achieving your financial goals.

By creating a budget, tracking your spending, prioritizing your expenses, using cash for discretionary spending, setting financial goals, reviewing your budget regularly, and seeking help if needed, you can successfully manage your family’s finances and achieve your financial goals.

How to Make Memories as a Busy Family

Finally, last but not least is making time for family memories. Finding time to make memories together can be difficult for a busy family. Here are some tips to help you make memories as a family, even when you are active:

  1. Schedule family time: Set aside time regularly to spend time together. This can be as simple as having dinner together or walking after dinner.
  2. Plan family outings: Plan outings or activities that the whole family can enjoy, such as a trip to the zoo, a picnic in the park, or a day at the beach. Even if it’s just for a few hours, these outings can create lasting memories.
  3. Involve the kids in decision-making: Involve your kids in deciding on family activities or outings. This can help them feel invested in the experience and create a sense of excitement.
  4. Create family traditions: You can do family traditions together regularly, such as having a family game night or hiking every Sunday. These traditions can create a sense of continuity and supply something to look forward to.
  5. Document your experiences: Take photos or videos of your family outings and occasions and create a scrapbook or photo album you can look back on together. This can help preserve memories and build a sense of nostalgia.
  6. Make the most of everyday moments: Look for opportunities to make memories in everyday moments, such as cooking dinner together or going for a walk in the neighborhood. These small moments can add up to create a sense of closeness and connection.

By scheduling family time, planning family outings, involving the kids in decision-making, creating family traditions, documenting your experiences, and making the most of everyday moments, you can make memories as a busy family and develop a sense of connection that will last a lifetime. Remember that making memories as a family and building relationship and harmony is the most vital things. Please don’t get so stuck in organizing every part of your family life that you miss the point of why your organization is in the first place: having more time with your family and being more present with them.

These are just a few examples of family organization options. When choosing a system for your family, consider your specific needs and preferences, such as whether you prefer a digital or physical design and how much customization you need. Try out one or all of these options, and remember to have fun along the way. Organizing and scheduling are supposed to be fun and not a chore, so look at it from that perspective. Good luck!

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