Why is Organizing Your Family Life and Home So Important?

I am sure you have run into at least one or two videos, blogs, or other social posts that advertise organizing your home and family. Some people say it’s all about graphs, and others may mention it’s all about the “command center,” but the underlying idea is that you should get organized. But why is it so important? What is the hype behind being systemized, and why is it essential for your family life and home? As busy mommas, there are usually higher priorities than managing your schedules. But I’m here to tell you that based on multiple studies and medical reviews, the organization of your life is essential to keeping your mental health and family happiness in balance.

While researching what others had to say on this topic, this quote stood out to me, and I 100% agree with it.

“Somewhat ironically, when life gets busy, we simply don’t have enough time to get organized. Yet, the more organized you are, the more time you’ll have.”

Day Designer
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Photo by Leeloo Thefirst on Pexels.com

As a busy momma, our most valuable commodity is time! So as mentioned above, the organization of time is essential for getting more time on your calendar for the more important things, such as family outings and time with your kids and husband.

So why is an organized family and home so important? It all comes down to more time and less stress. When your home’s organized, you will not spend so much time looking for things and stressing out about what you can’t find. Also, when your life is collected, you will not worry about what you must do next and spend time trying to figure it out. You will have a schedule telling you where you need to be and at what time.

Organized families and homes reduce chaos, diminish stress and increase family time because of established order and priorities. So what are some key points to consider when getting organized? If an organized home is valuable, then how do you get there? Well, the first step is to find the value in managing your life because if you don’t see the value, you will not see a need for it, and therefore, you will not stick with it. It’s in our nature to only do what we genuinely value for ourselves or what we believe benefits us. So let’s start with explaining the benefits of organized life, family, and home and finish with the three benefits and why you should also get on the organization train.

Why is it essential for the family to be organized?

Families should get organized mainly because it creates “more time.” Everyone only has 24 hours a day, and if your time is not scheduled, you will ”waste” that time without even knowing where the time went. In other words, you can make time work for you or work for time. As a mom, most of the household responsibilities fall on your shoulders, and therefore, if you are not organized with that ”TIME,” you will lose out on what’s most important, which is spending “quality” time with your children and husband. 

Organization of your life brings structure and routine, which helps you and the family know where everyone needs to be and at what time of day. For example, in my life, I work Monday to Friday, a full-time job from home, and also, I am a mom and wife. For my child and husband to be cared for, I need to know where to be and at what time of day. My child needs me to prepare and provide food and primary care needs. In the evening, my husband and child need me for bedtime routines; in the middle of the day, my work requires me to perform to the best of my ability in the job I have to accomplish that day. So, if I’m not organized with my time, and I don’t know where I need to be and how engaged I need to be in each task, I will lose track of what is valuable and why I do all the things I do. I wake up early for my child to meet her needs and watch her grow and develop. I go to work so that our home can have financial needs met, and I connect with my husband in the evening to keep my relationship alive and healthy.  

In short, a mom’s organization of family life is essential because she is the captain of her home ship. Nothing gets done if the mom is not organized and has her priorities in order. The home becomes a mess, the children need to be cared for and educated, and the relationship with the husband falls apart.

daily task written on a notebook
Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA production on Pexels.com

Here are four practical ways that a mom can start to improve the organization of her family life:

  1. Structure your life with routines and schedules.
  2. Keep things tidy and organized in the home to help you quickly find items.
  3. Declutter so the home is a safe space for your family.
  4. Meal planning can help your family stay healthy and will help you spend less time worrying about what everyone should eat.

Why is it essential to organize your life?

Family life gets organized only after your life as a mom is balanced. In other words, an organized mom equals an organized family.

photo of a boat on a river

If the mom is not organized with her life priorities, her family priorities will also not be met. I was living the disorganized go-with-the-flow life too long and started to realize how much it was affecting my mental health and well-being. I always felt like I was not getting anything done that was important, and I was spinning around in circles. Of course, my mentality at that time also affected my relationship with my daughter and husband. I quickly realized that I needed to organize myself for things to change. I started by following a daily plan and began to go from there.

So, a mom needs to organize her life because it helps her to focus less on all the things she is not getting done and on all the things that are getting done so that she can spend her valuable time with her family. The organization of a mom’s life helps her stay focused, minimize her stress, and find a place and plan for everything on her family schedule.

Below is a list of 5 practical things a mom can do to organize her own life:

  1. Organize your sanctuary and make it a pleasant place to reset.
  2. Declutter the areas that are causing you stress and anxiety.
  3. Organize your self-care schedule.
  4. Make sure you make time to eat, sleep and exercise.
  5. Make a priority list of what your value most and make time for that on your schedule.

What are the benefits of organizing your home?

If a mom’s self-care is in order, then organization in her home will improve. There are many great benefits in organizing your home, not only for yourself but also for your family. Below is a brief list of just a few of the benefits of organizations in a home.

  1. You will love your home more when it’s organized.
  2. Organizing will help clear your mind because the clutter in your home is handled.
  3. Having an organized home helps boost self-esteem.
  4. One of the most essential things about organizing your home is finding things more easily.
  5. An organized home helps to lower your stress and anxiety.
  6. Decluttering also helps reduces your consumerism- if you can find what you need, you will not buy it.
  7. Having an organized home will save you time!
  8. Studies show that decluttering improves depression and decreases anxiety.
  9. Having a soothing-decluttered space is nurturing for your soul.

What are the three benefits of being organized?

In conclusion, what are the three most important benefits of being organized? The top 3 benefits of managing your life include reducing stress and anxiety, increasing productive time, and helping you focus on things that truly matter.

1. Reduction of stress and anxiety

We get enough stress and anxiety in other areas of our life, so getting organized in your personal life and home can help elevate your stress and anxiety levels and create a refuge for you in your home. When your home is a refuge, it can help reduce stress and anxiety in other areas. If you organize your home and family life, you will have a place of refuge and comfort instead of a house that adds stress and anxiety.

2. Increase in productive time.

To lead a more productive life and spend less time looking for things or digging through laundry piles to find what you should wear. Organization of your home and family life will help you increase your time because you will have order in the things that don’tdon’t need your time, and only the things that help bring productivity in your family life or work will be at the forefront of your life. The organization will increase your productivity and decrease your need to spend time at stores to decompress or run to the grocery store last minute because you forgot to buy something or ran out of something you needed for that meal.

3. It helps you focus on things that truly matter.

Freeing up time from useless running around or digging through the clutter to find something helps you focus on the things that truly matter, which is your time with your family and friends. It helps to make you a happier and more collected person. Because you’re not in a constant state of stress and anxiety about the things you have not done or still need to get done. In other words, everything has its place, and you know that if you need something, you will go there and find it; if you don’t, you will add it to your list to get and move on with your life to more important things like your relationships.

family making breakfast in the kitchen
Photo by August de Richelieu on Pexels.com

In conclusion, being organized is vital for a happier, less stressed, and balanced family and personal life. There are many benefits to organizing. Every mom should get excited about organizing her life because it will help her get more things done and spend time on what matters: her growing children, husband, and friends.


How to Organize Your Family Life | Day Designer


A busy mom working full-time as an accountant with one baby girl and a wife to my fantastic husband and blogging on family, finance, and everyday hacks for busy moms.

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