
Defining Home Organizing:

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Home Organizing consists of four terms: cleaning, organizing, decluttering, and scheduling. Each word means entirely different ideas, but they are all included when discussing home organizing. For this article, I will break down each term and the definition of each word as I understand it and use it in my other articles.

Home Organizing is not a single expression in the Oxford Dictionary; this term is two different words in the Dictionary. Oxford Dictionary defines Home as “where one lives permanently, especially as a family or household member.” The Organizing definition is “arranging into a structured whole, order, or coordinate the actions of a person or group of people efficiently” In other words, Home organizing as we know it is a combination of two different words, “home” and “organizing” that could be referring to different ideas depending on the context.

If you combine definitions of Home and Organizing, you will better understand what the term “Home Organizing” actually means. Home Organizing is arranging into structured order or coordinating the activities of a person or group of people efficiently in a place where one lives permanently or is a family or household member. As you can see, this definition can include cleaning a place to bring it to order, organizing it into a structured system, or decluttering and scheduling, which is the coordinating of activities.

Home Organizing is arranging into structured order or coordinating the activities of a person or group of people efficiently in a place where one lives permanently or is a family or household member.

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Term 1: Cleaning

Oxford Dictionary defines cleaning as “making something clean, especially inside a house.”

When used in home organizing, cleaning means removing trash from a location, wiping things down, and restoring order to the place in question.

Term 2: Organizing

Oxford Dictionary defines organizing as “arranging into a structured whole, order, or coordinate the activities of a person or group of people efficiently.”

Organizing, when used in the context of home organizing, means -arranging items into a specific order; these items could be things you own or your time/schedule.

Term 3: Decluttering

Oxford Dictionary defines decluttering as “Removing unnecessary items from an untidy or overcrowded place.”

Decluttering, when used in the context of home organizing, means – removing trash, unwanted items, or moving objects that don’t belong to their designated locations.

Term 4: Scheduling

Oxford Dictionary defines scheduling as “arrange or plan an event to occur at a particular time. Or make arrangements for someone or something to do something.

Scheduling, when used in home organizing, means- organizing time effectively for the family or yourself and creating a routine or system of order when it comes to time.

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