
What Should Get Organized First in a Home?

According to many organizing experts, there are a few different areas to focus on when it comes to organizing, such as the kitchen, closets, landing zones or entryways, home office, bathrooms, and papers. One of the best sayings that I have heard is that you need to think about the area of your house that you like most and that you feel is your standard of “organized” and then use that area as an example to use in the other areas of your home that you consider organizing. However, this still needs to answer what needs to be organized first.

Though the place that you organize first in your home might differ depending on each person, the point is that you should organize the area that is an eyesore for you or causes you the most trouble first.

The area could be your main living spaces, closets, office, or any other space in your home that does not function in a balanced way. But a good rule of thumb is organizing the places you see when you first enter the house, for example, the area by your front door, living room, dining room, and kitchen. All these areas have the most traffic and should be the first areas you focus on. Once you choose the location of your home that needs your attention, then begin with removing the trash or decluttering the room, cleaning off the floor space, and moving to the surfaces like tables, couches, and top of drawers, and then working on the hidden areas like inside cabinets, drawers and things behind doors. All the main living areas in my home are addressed, clear, and functional, but I am tackling the hidden regions next.

The key is to address the area that is a hazard for you or your family. I have a closet like that under our stairs that needs a complete overhaul because every time I open it, I hope nothing falls on me. It started ok when we first moved in, and everything had its place, but now it has become a storage closet because as we got a child and remodeled the home, it became a catch-all, like a giant junk drawer. It has been on my list to clean up for weeks, and I am considering tackling this project this weekend. I will show you some pictures and videos of what I will do with that space and how I will do it on a budget in the coming weeks.

To reiterate, the first thing to organize in a house depends on your needs and priorities. Of course, you will need to declutter before you can organize, and decluttering could include removing things that are no longer used, old, broken, or not functioning for you. By decluttering first, you’ll have a better sense of what you need to organize and will be able to create a more streamlined and efficient system.

After decluttering, focus on the area that needs your attention most. Below is a checklist of ideas on areas you can focus on and see which one sparks an idea for you.

  • Kitchen: The kitchen is considered a high-priority area for organizing because it’s a frequently used space and can quickly become cluttered with dishes, appliances, and food items. Organizing your kitchen can streamline meal prep, save time, and reduce stress.
  • Closet: Closets are another area that can quickly become cluttered. By organizing your closet, you’ll be able to quickly find the clothes and accessories you need and create a more streamlined and efficient system.
  • Home office: This is another critical area to organize if you have a home office. This includes creating a system for filing paperwork, organizing supplies, and setting up a workspace that is comfortable and conducive to productivity.
  • Entryway: The entryway is the first area visitors see when they enter your home, so creating a welcoming and organized space is essential. This means building a system for storing shoes, coats, and other items used when entering and exiting the house.
  • Bathroom: The bathroom is another area that can quickly become cluttered. To organize your bathroom, start by decluttering the cabinets and drawers and removing any items you no longer need or use. Then, create designated spaces for different things, such as toiletries, towels, and cleaning supplies. Use drawer dividers, shelf organizers, and other tools to help maximize your space and create a more efficient system.
  • Garage: This area gets cluttered and is an excellent place to consider cleaning up and organizing. Start by getting shelving or finding ways to lift the items that take up floor space to the sides of the garage to free up the middle area for your car, gym, or anything else you might be using your garage for.

Starting with a single space and organizing it to perfection keeps you focused and motivated while avoiding the overwhelming sense that there is too much work.


It’s essential to start with the areas causing the most stress or significantly impacting your daily life. When you have figured out which space of your home you would like to tackle first, remember these key steps to get you through the process so that you stay energized and continue mid-project.

  1. Not decluttering first: One of the most common mistakes people make when organizing their homes is not decluttering first. Going through your belongings and getting rid of anything you no longer need or use before you start organizing is essential. Otherwise, you may collect unnecessary items, which can help you save time and energy.
  2. Trying to tackle too much at once: Another common mistake is trying to tackle too much at once. Organizing your entire home in one weekend may sound like a good idea, but it can quickly become overwhelming. Instead, focus on one room or area at a time and break the process into manageable steps.
  3. Not having a plan: A common mistake is not having a plan before organizing. Without a plan, you may create a system that doesn’t work well for your needs or lifestyle. Take the time to think about your goals and priorities before you start organizing and create a plan that will help you achieve them.
  4. Buying too many organizational products: Getting caught up in the excitement of organizing and buying too many organizational products is easy. While shelves, bins, and other organizational tools can be helpful, it’s essential to use them strategically and not overdo it. Otherwise, you may end up cluttering your space even further with unnecessary items.
  5. Not supporting the system: A common mistake people make is not keeping the organizational system they’ve created. Once you have organized your home, it is essential to maintain the system and make adjustments as needed. Otherwise, your home may quickly become cluttered again.
  6. Being too rigid: A common mistake is being too strict with your organizational system. While having a plan is important, it is also essential to be flexible and willing to adjust. Your needs and priorities may change over time, and your organizational system should be able to adapt to those changes.

As busy moms thinking about how much time this will take is usually our first deterrent when it comes to organizing, but if you do little by little each day, you can get through your house before you know it. Following the 15-minute rule will help you organize a space for every spare 15 minutes daily, making the project feel manageable and achievable. Managing one area at a time can create a more efficient and enjoyable living space. Remember that organizing your home is a process, and creating a system that works for you may take time. Start by focusing on one area at a time and being patient with yourself as you work to create a more organized and efficient living space. By taking small steps and being consistent, you can create an organized home that is both functional and enjoyable to live in.

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